Stokesley and District U3A
Stokesley and District University of the Third Age (U3A) is a member of the Third Age Trust, and a registered charity (No. 1117650). It offers retired and semi-retired people a stimulating and active programme of events. Go to the Stokesley and District U3A website for further information.
Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer’s Society is an organisation of 20, 000 members, which works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is a Local Service office for Hambleton & Richmondshire, in Richmond. For further details, go to the Alzheimer’s Society website.
Rotary Club of Stokesley
Rotary International is made up of over 1.2 million Rotary members – known as Rotarians – in 34,000 Rotary clubs around the world. It forms a network of business, professional and community leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve communities locally and around the world.
The Rotary Club of Stokesley received its Charter in 1980. It quickly established itself in the community of Stokesley and nearby villages, with an annual Easter bookshop in the High Street, which is now a regular event. Go to the Rotary Club of Stokesley website for more information.
Stokesley Pride-in-our-Town Association
The Objects of the Stokesley Pride-in-our-Town Association (S.P.I.O.T.A) are:-
- To initiate events or projects for the benefit of the people of the community.
- To initiate events or projects for the benefit of the physical environment of the town.
- To encourage organisations and townsfolk to participate in the activities of the Association.
- To liaise with statutory authorities, civic organisations and voluntary bodies in whatever way necessary to advance the Aims of the Association.
- To encourage and assist, wherever necessary, organisations or people to take over events or projects initiated by the Association when and wherever their aptitudes are particularly appropriate.
For further information, visit the Stokesley Pride-in-our-town Association website.